
Hey! I Saw That!

"10 Big Successes in Product Placement." CNBC. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

"Disne'ys Naughty Subliminals." News Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

Too Far?

"27 Controversial Print Ads." Smashing Hub. N.p., n. d. 0. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

"FCC Rulemaking." Federal Communications Commission, 2012. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

Something To Think About

Gutsche, J. 2012.<>.

False Advertising

"Airborne Settles Lawsuit for $23.3 Million." CNN Money. Time Warner Company, 4 Ma. Web. 21 Jul 2012. 

Fleming, Olivia. Reebok forced to pull controversial . N.p., 2012. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

"How To Report False Advertising." Whistle Blower Info. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

Morgan, David. "Weight-Loss Marketers Fined for False Ads." 11 February 2009, n. pag. 0. <>.

Real or Ideal?

"Body Peace Treaty." Seveteen. Hearst , 2011. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

"ESPN." Espn the magazine - - the body issue - espn. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

Odell, Amy. "Jessica Alba's Waist, Hips Whittled in Campari Ads ." . N.p., 08. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

"Media kit." Harpers Bazaar. N.p., 2007. Web. 21 Jul 2012. <>.

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